Sunday, February 5, 2012

Have You Ever TRULY Felt Loved????

Man!  Today has been an awesome day and its only half over!  I woke this morning with my K in bed with me!  I let her sleep with me last night. We (hubby and I) try to do this every so often for the kids to get special time with Mommy or Daddy. I shared a very special prayer with her, just about her and whats going on in her life. We had a great time talking about where God is, where He lives, what He is doing, and how He can hear all of our prayers. Then, I hear A over the monitor and loving hubby gets her INSTEAD OF ME!  (He slept with N for special time with Daddy and A's crib is in N's room.)  That is music to my ears as well. He made me feel loved.

Then, I am blessed and encouraged by several at church. I see so many of whom I get to keep up with through Facebook and I am able to encourage them too because I now know it was their birthday, or what they did last night with their families and how fun it looked! Today is a special Sunday, with a guest speaker who really spoke to me about prayer and how we need to pray SPECIFICALLY. As noted in an earlier post, I am still a work-in-progress in this department.  Then, SIX (yes, count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!!!!) people came forward to renew their commitment to Christ and ask for everyone's love, support, and prayers. What a wonderful day! Families are being blessed and restored. 

All of this leads me to feel loved. Loved by the ones that spoke with me at church (you know who you are if you are still reading this post!), loved by my hubby, loved by my children, loved by God. I can SEE God in nature and in the beauty of this earth, but I am struck most recently by SEEING Him move in the lives of myself and my friends. There have been a lot of dark times recently and I can SEE Satan moving too. He wants nothing more than to see strong Christians struggle and flail. I can SEE what Satan is capable of and how he can manipulate situations. I want to stand with my fellow Christians in UNITY to be soldiers for Christ! So here is where I stand:


I know that God is ALIVE!  I know that He cares for me, for all of us!  I know that He is moving and making all things for good!  And it is this knowledge that makes me feel TRULY loved today! If you have never felt this kind of love, I pray that you come talk to me and let me tell you how to find Him, the Creator of love. Praise God!

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